Temporary Boiler Hire Newcastle

Cedar Green is a leading provider of boiler hire in Newcastle, offering a wide range of boilers to businesses and homeowners, as well as a 24/7 hire and support service.

Get in touch

Why use Cedar Green for your boiler hire?

If you’re in Newcastle or nearby towns such as Gateshead, Sunderland, or Durham, and in search of boiler rental services, Cedar Green is your prime choice. We offer an extensive array of boilers for rent, customised to align with your unique demands.

Our proficient engineers have accumulated considerable expertise in handling a myriad of boilers, including those deployed in commercial environments. They excel in swiftly diagnosing and resolving any issues, ensuring your boiler performs at its highest efficiency. Crucially, our understanding of local standards and regulations throughout Newcastle guarantees that your boiler’s installation and servicing comply with the strictest safety and legal guidelines.

Cedar Green delivers a comprehensive, fully managed service. This provides you with the reassurance that your boiler is consistently kept in the best possible state.

Experienced Engineers

Our engineers carry years of wisdom accrued from the realm of boiler leasing. Adept at managing an array of boilers, they have the knack to promptly spot and mend any issues. Their acumen regarding local legislations and norms serves as an extra benefit, ensuring your boiler’s installation and upkeep comply with the most rigorous safety and legal parameters.

Service Maintenance


We keep everything going


Nationwide commercial heating services

Our highly skilled and dedicated engineering team design, install, service and maintain commercial heating systems in business critical environments throughout the UK and Channel Islands. Often utilising our own in-house fleet of temporary boilers whilst ensuring continuity of heating and hot water services throughout.

Boiler Hire FAQs

What is boiler hire?

Boiler hire is a service that allows you to rent a boiler for a period of time. This can be useful if you need a boiler for a short-term project, or if your existing boiler is out of service.

How can our boiler hire services benefit businesses and construction projects?

Boiler hire can benefit businesses and construction projects in a number of ways. First, it can provide a temporary solution for businesses that need a boiler for a short-term project. Second, it can help businesses to save money on the cost of purchasing and installing a new boiler. Third, it can help construction projects to stay on schedule by providing a quick and easy way to replace a boiler that is out of service.

What types of boilers are available for rent?

We offer a wide range of boilers for rent, including those that can run on gas, oil, and LPG . We also offer a variety of sizes and models to choose from.

Do we offer long-term and short-term rentals?

Yes, we offer both long-term and short-term rentals. Our long-term rentals are ideal for businesses that need a boiler for a period of one year or more. Our short-term rentals are ideal for businesses that need a boiler for a shorter period of time, such as a few weeks or months.

Can we assist with temporary boiler installation?

Yes, we can assist with temporary boiler installation. Our experienced engineers can quickly and easily install your boiler at your desired location.

Are your boilers compliant with safety and environmental regulations?

Yes, our boilers are compliant with all safety and environmental regulations.